
Hey! We Appreciate your every effort towards our children's future.

Every little bit counts towards our non-profit school, that is laser focused on your child development and growth. So weather its a dollar or a helping hand, THANK YOU!

Help w/ Your Dollar

Bill's, Education Tool's, Book's, Teacher', The Lighs; These all require a little green to keep em going.

May your kids excel and may god be pleased with you, Thank you for putting your money towards a good cause.

Help w/ a Helping Hand

Sometimes actions are louder than words.


We can always use a little help, weather it’s a chaperone, a substitute, or a special kind of teacher. We invite you to help with your time and presence.

Help w/ Our Wishes

Make the schools and children's wishes come true.


Weathers it’s a ream of paper or a pencil for the kids, every little bit helps support a growing school.


Your Dollar Will Go A Long Way

Go ahead, and press the paypal Donate, button and follow the step by step process to support the Palm Tree Academy of El Paso.


Your Help and Time will help our children's future in a big way.

Fill out the following form:

    Grant A Wish

    Click on one of the following wishlist's and fulfill as much as you can.

    [acoda_typewriter tag=”h2″ font_size=”supersize” duration=”3000″ pause=”2000″ animated_text=”Thank Your For Your Support
    Thank You for Your Helping Hand
    Thank You For Granting Our Wishes”]

    Your Support, Keeps Us Going!